“Arkada-M” SIA

The company Arkada-M, Ltd is a Latvian company dealing with trade, promotion and maintenance of Security Products within area of Baltic States – Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Our company is a licensed supplier of the Ministry of Defense. The main our customers are police, army, customs, border guards, security services of banks, state and private enterprises. We are authorized distributor/agent of such companies as Astrophysics Inc. (USA), Vidisco Ltd (Israel), SAS R&D Services Inc. (USA), Class Instrumentation Ltd (UK), Singing Rock (Czech Republic) and others. Arkada-M, Ltd is licensed for import, trade and maintenance of X-ray inspection equipment. Our personnel is trained and experienced in field of technical servicing of conventional and mobile radiological equipment intended for customs applications. Annually we provide seminars and demonstrations for our customers in field of security products.
